

Google在周三以现金方式收购了Omnisio。尽管没有透露收购金额,但有消息称收购金额为1500万美元。Omnisio由三名澳大利亚人创办,同时也是一家由风险投资公司Y Combinator投资过的公司。

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve been acquired by Google and will soon be joining the YouTube team, aligning us with the market leaders in online video. Together we’ll apply what we’ve learned about the space, and we’ll work to develop innovative products and features for the YouTube community. We believe we’ve only scratched the surface in terms of what’s possible with online video, and we are really looking forward to taking the video viewing — and creating — experience to the next level.
Via:Omnisio has been acquired By Ryan, Co-founders of Omnisio
It’s in this spirit that we’re thrilled to announce Google’s purchase of Omnisio, a small California-based startup that’s focused on making online video more useful and collaborative. The Omnisio team has tremendous technical expertise when it comes to advanced video tools and having this kind of talent at YouTube should help us further explore ways to enhance your YouTube experience. 
Via:YouTube and Omnisio Join Forces By The YouTube Team
Omnisio支持从Youtube,Google VideoBlip.tv三个视频分享服务网站获取视频进行编辑,此外也可以通过本地视频上传,或者在线录制视频。同时人们还可以在其中添加评论等等。

发布在: 2008年7月31日 | 分类: 互联网评论
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